BIP(Band Interleaved by Pixel)

GISBox is a one-stop 3D GIS data editing, conversion and publishing platform that supports editing in multiple GIS formats such as OSGB/GEOTIFF/RVT, converting to 3DTiles/Terrain and publishing.


BIP (Band Interleaved by Pixel) is a raster data storage format. It stores all bands for each pixel together in order, which means that all band values for a pixel are stored adjacently, instead of storing all pixel values of the first band together, then the second band, and so on. In this format, each pixel value in the raster data is stored in consecutive bytes, rather than in band or sample order as in the BIL or BSQ format. Therefore, in the BIP format, the distance between pixels is minimized, so it is more efficient when reading and writing data.

File Structure

  • 1. File header: contains metadata of the file, such as file size, number of bands, pixel size, data type, etc. This information is essential for correctly reading and processing BIP files.
  • 2. Band data: According to the storage method of BIP, all band values of each pixel are stored together in sequence, forming the main part of the file. The arrangement order of band data corresponds to the band number.


1. Efficient pixel-level operations: The BIP format stores all band values of each pixel together continuously, so that all band values of each pixel can be quickly accessed and processed during pixel-level operations (such as image enhancement, filtering, etc.). This storage method reduces the complexity of data reading and improves processing efficiency.

2. Save memory access: When processing multi-band images, the BIP format can increase processing speed by reducing the number of memory accesses. Since the data of all bands are stored closely together, the data of multiple bands can be read in one memory access, reducing the latency and overhead of memory access.

3. Simplify image processing algorithms: The BIP format makes the implementation of image processing algorithms simpler and more intuitive. Developers can more easily write code to process multi-band images because all band values of each pixel are together and can be processed as a whole.


1. Larger files: BIP format files are usually larger than other formats (such as BIL or BIP stored by band).

2. Complex band operations: Although the BIP format performs well at the pixel level, it may be more complex at the band level. If you need to process or analyze specific bands separately, you may need to convert the BIP format data to other formats (such as BIL or BSQ) first, so that the data of each band can be more easily accessed and processed.

3. Inconvenient access to specific bands: In the BIP format, since the data of all bands are stored closely together, accessing the data of a specific band may require additional calculations. This may lead to performance degradation when processing large data sets.

4. Dependency: The advantages and disadvantages of the BIP format also depend on the software and hardware environment used. Some software or hardware may be better at processing data in the BIP format, while other software or hardware may be more suitable for processing data in other formats.

Application Scenario

The BIP format has a wide range of applications, mainly in the fields of geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing image processing. It can provide fast access when processing raster data because all band data is stored in the same pixel location. At the same time, it also supports multi-band data and large data sets, and can improve computational efficiency when performing pixel-level operations.


  1. Remote sensing image in BIP format.

  1. BIP file format example.

File Opening Mode

  1. Open BIP format GIS images in GIS software.

Related GIS files





