JP2(JPEG 2000)

GISBox is a one-stop 3D GIS data editing, conversion and publishing platform that supports editing in multiple GIS formats such as OSGB/GEOTIFF/RVT, converting to 3DTiles/Terrain and publishing.


JP2 is the file extension of JPEG 2000, which indicates an image file compressed using the JPEG 2000 compression algorithm. JPEG 2000 is an improvement and extension of the traditional JPEG image compression algorithm, which uses a compression technology based on wavelet transform. This format plays an important role in digital image processing, providing an efficient and reliable way to store and transmit image data.

File Structure

  1. File header: The beginning of a PIX file is a file header, which contains basic information about the image, such as the image width, height, color depth, number of bands, and compression method. This information is crucial for reading and processing images.
  2. Band storage: PIX files support multi-band storage, and each band can store image data separately. There is a band header at the beginning of each band, which is used to describe the specific information of the band, such as the data type, byte order, resolution, etc. of the band.
  3. Pixel data: After the band header, the pixel data of the band follows. Pixel data is stored according to the description of the band header, which can be uncompressed raw data or compressed data.
  4. Byte order: An important feature of PIX files is that the byte order can be specified separately for each band. Byte order determines how data is stored in memory, which is particularly important for multi-byte data types (such as integers and floating-point numbers). PIX files use a mark in the band header to indicate whether each band is stored in big-endian or little-endian byte order.
  5. Compression method: PIX files support a variety of compression methods, the most common of which is RLE (Run Length Encoding). The choice of compression method depends on the characteristics of the image data and the storage requirements. Through compression, the file size can be effectively reduced, and the storage and transmission costs can be reduced.
  6. Metadata: In addition to the image data itself, PIX files may also contain some metadata, such as the image’s geographic coordinates, projection information, timestamp, etc. This information is very important for geospatial analysis and processing of images.


1. Higher compression ratio: JP2 files are able to achieve higher compression ratios while maintaining high image quality.

2. Support for lossless and lossy compression: Unlike JPEG, which only supports lossy compression, JP2 supports both lossless and lossy compression.

3. Support for multi-resolution and progressive transmission: JP2 files support multi-resolution storage, which means they can be loaded progressively to different resolution levels as needed.

4. Wider color gamut and higher color depth: Compared to JPEG, JP2 files are able to support a wider color gamut and higher color depth, which is very important for applications that require accurate color representation, such as photography, printing, and graphic design.

5. Support for transparency and layers: The JP2 standard also allows images to contain transparency information and supports multiple layers (although this is not usually its core use case).


1. Compatibility limitations: Although the JP2 format has been widely supported, some older versions of image viewers or editors may not be able to open or edit JP2 files.

2. Processing speed: Processing JP2 files may require more computing resources than JPEG.

3. File size: Although JP2 provides a higher compression ratio, in some cases, JP2 files may be slightly larger than JPEG files of equivalent quality due to the need to support additional features (such as multiple resolutions and color depth).

4. Low popularity: Although the JP2 format is recognized in the industry, it is still relatively unknown among ordinary users. This may cause some users to be unfamiliar with the format and prefer the more widely recognized JPEG when choosing an image format.

Application Scenario

JPEG 2000 is widely used in the field of digital image processing and storage, especially in scenarios that require high-quality image display and transmission. Due to its high compression ratio, lossless compression, and multi-resolution support, JPEG 2000 is often used in satellite images, medical images, and artwork digitization. It can effectively reduce the size of image files while maintaining good image details and quality.


  1. Examples of images in JPEG2000 format.

  1. Open the JP2 image in the software.

File Opening Mode

  1. Open JP2 files with File Viewer Plus.

  1. JP2 file open in Apple Preview 11.

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