How to convert OSGB (oblique photography) files into 3DTiles files?

TIn GISBox, we provide users with a one-stop conversion solution for various GIS file formats. Simply import your local GIS files, tiling them, and then distribute them as service addresses that can be directly imported into Wings Engine.

Below, we will take the conversion of OSGB files to 3DTiles files as an example to introduce the steps for tiling tilted models:

1. Create a New Tiling Task

Click the “New” button in the “Tiling” option on the left to open the settings for creating a new tiling task.

Select “Oblique Model Tiling” in the left-hand options to begin setting up the tiling task.

2. Tiling Task Settings

2.1 Add File

In the settings for creating a new tiling task, click “Add File” and select a folder containing OSGB files to add.

2.2 Basic Parameters

After adding the OSGB folder, you can set the tiling export folder in “Basic Parameters”. The “Spatial Reference” and “Zero Point Coordinates” will be automatically generated based on the “metadata.xml” file in the folder.

2.3 Performance Optimization

When the tilted 3D model data volume is large, you can choose to enable “Rebuild Top Layer” to significantly improve loading performance and enhance browsing experience.

When the texture format is set to “Default”, the tiling task will export textures in JPG format. When “webp” is selected, the exported webp format textures will occupy about 70% of the storage compared to the default JPG format, which can speed up network transmission, but it can only be used in Chrome and does not reduce GPU memory usage.

Enabling vertex compression can significantly reduce the amount of transmission data. The compression levels are “Low”, “Medium”, and “High”.

[Tips] The higher the compression level, the greater the compression rate. When the compression level is set to “High”, there will be significant data precision loss. It is recommended to use “Medium”.

2.4 Storage Type

In “Storage Type”, “Store 3DTiles 1.1” is enabled by default. When enabled, the model files in the OSGB folder will be exported in glb format. When disabled, they will be in b3dm format.

3. Publishing Settings

Enable “Publish as Service Simultaneously” to automatically add a corresponding type of “Service” in “Distribution” for the created tiling task.

3.1 Publish as Service Simultaneously

When “Publish as Service Simultaneously” is enabled, a corresponding type of “Service” will be added in “Distribution” after tiling is completed. For example, a tiling task for OSGB files will automatically add a “Service” in the “Model Service” option of “Distribution”.

3.2 Not Publish as Service Simultaneously

If “Publish as Service Simultaneously” is not enabled, no corresponding type of “Service” will be added in “Distribution” after tiling is successful, and it will need to be added manually.

After adding the exported JSON file, click the “Confirm” button.

4. Edit Files

4.1 View Files

After the tiling task is completed, click the “Folder” button on the right to view the converted 3DTiles files.

4.2 Delete Files

Click the “Delete” button on the right to delete the converted files.