GISBox is a GIS toolbox that can perform scene editing, tiling conversion, and distribution services for GIS imagery, terrain, and oblique photography. GISBox supports one-click generation of buildings by selecting a map. Simply select the map area to be imported, import the SHP file with one click, and the city building model can be automatically generated. GISBox also supports real-time editing and repair of OSGB files. You can select the area to be operated through polygons, and perform operations such as flattening or deleting. GISBox can also slice and publish a large number of formats with one click, such as: OSGB tiles, general model tiles, terrain tiles, imagery tiles, point cloud tiles, OSGB reverse tiling, etc.
GISBox is a one-stop GIS data processing and publishing toolbox for the GIS industry and the digital twin industry, designed to meet the current industry’s needs for efficient data processing and convenient service publishing. At present, users in the GIS industry and the digital twin industry have an increasing demand for GIS data processing, especially in the fields of urban planning, remote sensing mapping, engineering construction, emergency response, etc., so users need a handy tool to deal with massive geospatial data, and traditional GIS tools are often inefficient in data editing and publishing, or require multiple tools to complete the task. GISBox was born to solve these pain points, providing users with a one-stop, multi-functional GIS data processing platform that supports different data format requirements and has efficient real-time processing capabilities.
GISBox supports the import of models and data files in different formats into scenes for real-time preview. Users can easily build scene content and import models and data files in different formats into scenes for real-time preview.
The issue of broken surfaces in OSGB data often affects the integrity and visualization effect of the imagery. GISBox supports online editing of OSGB, providing features for fixing broken surfaces and aligning with the ground. It can help restore the smoothness and coherence of oblique photography, ensuring high-quality display of the data in applications and reducing the workload of secondary processing.
GISBox also provides the function of generating a city model with one click. It supports importing SHP data by directly selecting and confirming on the map, and at the same time, it can pull the area into a city model with one click.
GISBox supports one-stop conversion of GIS imagery, terrains, and OSGB file formats. It not only supports automatic tiling of formats such as GEO-TIFF, but also can convert multiple formats such as OSGB/SHP/GeoJSON/FBX/glTF/OBJ/LAS into 3DTiles format. The 3DTiles format supports reverse tiling into OSGB format. It can also convert GEO-TIFF format into terrain format, and convert images into imagery tiles.
GISBox supports multiple mainstream publishing protocols, including 3DTiles, Terrain, and WMTS (Web Map Tile Service), all at no cost. After tiling is completed, GISBox supports streaming the tiled data as services for free, known as its distribution feature. These services can be imagery services (such as WMS, WMTS), terrain services (such as WMTS-Terrain), or **3D model services **(such as 3DTiles). The generated service addresses can be applied to GIS engines like Cesium or Cesium for Unreal, or utilized in digital twin project platforms, such as Wings Engine.
GISBox supports tiling of models and data files in various formats, with one-click automatic streaming after completion.
After the streaming service is completed, clicking the “Preview” button allows you to view the tiled content in a web browser.
After streaming the service, you can quickly locate the path where the exported files are stored as well as the streaming service address.
GISBox provides SaaS services, supports collaborative editing, supports setting up multiple sub-accounts and using these sub-accounts to operate scene editing, tiling and distribution in the browser.