How to convert GeoTIFF format to Cesium’s ImageryProvider for loading? (Imagery Tiling)

GISBox supports automatic tiling and publishing in formats such as GEOTIFF. Next, we will introduce the steps for setting up “imagery tiling”.

1. Create a new tiling task

Open GISBox and click the “New” button in the upper right corner to create a tiling task.

Switch to “Imagery Tiling”, as shown below:

2. Basic Settings

2.1 Add File

Click the “+ Add File” button above to add our local files, as shown below:

Add the local files we need to convert, as shown below:

2.2 Export Settings

Click the folder icon on the right to set the path for file export. There is no special requirement for the export path, which is usually saved in a folder, as shown in the following figure:

It is best to leave the save path empty, otherwise a prompt will pop up, as shown below:

2.3 Background Transparent

To set the background transparency, you can choose “Auto” or “Transparent Color”.

Configuration Item Description
Auto The software will automatically set the background to be transparent.
Transparent Select a transparent color. The default RGB value is “0”. You can also customize the specific value. The minimum value is** “0”** and the maximum value is “255”.

Change the background transparency settings as shown below:

2.4 Level Settings

Customize the range of levels. Different levels will affect the conversion speed. The lowest level is “0” and the highest level is “25”. The larger the level, the longer the conversion time will be. Properly reducing the level size can speed up the tiling speed. The default value is “0-18” and it is recommended to set it to “0-10” to increase the conversion speed.

2.5 Service Type

In the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Web Map Services, service types refer to different ways of providing map data and related functions over the network. GISBox imagery tiles support two service types, “WMTS” and “TMS”, as shown in the following figure:

Configuration Item Description
WMTS WMTS is a service type defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). It focuses on providing pre-rendered map tiles through the HTTP protocol and is suitable for application scenarios that require a large number of static map tiles.
TMS TMS is a type of map service specified by the Open Source Geospatial Information Foundation (OSGEO). It also provides map tile services. For ease of processing, tiles are usually stored in squares with a pixel size of 256 or 512.

2.6 Projection Parameters

GISBox imagery tiles support two types of projections, namely “Mercator projection” and “latitude and longitude projection”. Shanhaijing visualization mainly uses Mercator projection, as shown in the following figure:

Configuration Item Description
Mercator projection Mercator projection is a widely used map projection method. It converts the longitude and latitude coordinates of the earth’s surface into a rectangular coordinate system on a plane. It is widely used in nautical charts, world maps and other fields because of its intuitiveness, readability and simple calculation.
Latitude and longitude projection In a broad sense, when we talk about map projections, longitude and latitude themselves can also be considered a “projection”, that is, the original location information (longitude and latitude) of points on the earth’s surface is directly mapped onto a two-dimensional plane.

2.7 Tile size

According to conventional tradition, the tile size is “256”, but in fact the tile size can be set to “non-256”, such as “512”, “1024”, the purpose of which is to reduce the number of tile requests on large screens, as shown in the following figure:

If you need to set the tile size to “512” or “1024”, you can purchase the corresponding package, which provides functions such as “custom tile size” and “model lightweight”, and provides two billing functions, among which “monthly billing” is shown in the following figure:

“Annual Billing” is shown in the figure below:

3. Publish Settings

When the imagery tile is successfully created, it can be published as a service at the same time, as shown in the following figure:

3.1 Publishe as service

When the “Publish as a service at the same time” setting is checked, the imagety tiles will be automatically distributed after they are successfully tiled (the corresponding service address will be generated), as shown in the figure below:

3.2 Not publishe as services at the same time

When the “Publish as a service at the same time” setting is not checked, the imagery tiles will not be automatically distributed after they are successfully tiled and need to be added manually, as shown in the following figure:

4. Edit File

4.1 View File

After the tiling task is completed, click the “Folder” button on the right to view the converted file, as shown in the following figure:

4.2 Delete File

Click the “Delete” button on the right to delete the converted file, as shown in the figure below: