GISBox supports the use of API interfaces. After opening GISBox, we can select the “API” in the left toolbar, and then click the “Create AccessKey” button in the upper right corner to add the API interface. “AccessKey ID” and “AccessKey Secret” are used as Auth parameters to verify the user identity or the legitimacy of the application. Click to view the corresponding tutorial → Auth parameters.
“AccessKey Name” refers to the key name used to transmit specific information. It usually appears in request parameters, HTTP headers or response data. When we add a new key, we need to fill in the corresponding “AccessKey Name”, as shown in the following figure:
In the operation on the right, we can change the “AccessKey Name”, as shown below:
[Tips] The API function of GSIBox requires the Enterprise Plan to use. If you need to use it, please contact GISBox official customer service.
The base URL for all API requests is:
1 | Primary account SaaS access address + /api/v1 |
The “Primary account SaaS access address” can be viewed in the GISBox software under “Settings” → “Network”, as shown below:
For example, suppose the primary account SaaS access address is:
1 | |
Then the base URL of the API interface is:
1 | |
To ensure the security of interface access, each interface request needs to be spliced with the following parameters for verification, including “AccessKey ID” and “AccessKey Secret”:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
key | string | Yes | Generated key |
timestamp | string | Yes | Current timestamp |
sign | string | Yes | Use md5 to encrypt the string concatenated with (key, secret, timestamp) to generate a string |
Here is an example:
1 |×tamp=1736835697953&sign=1D1802A6A4BB9C8A603F696E1E0E3644 |
The response data of the API interface follows a unified format and contains the following fields:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
success | boolean | Yes | Success status |
msg | string | Yes | Success prompt or error description |
data | object | No | Respond to core data |
Interface address:
1 | GET task/<id>/info |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | Yes | task id |
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| :——–: | :—–: | :——: | —————————– | ————- | ————– | ———— | —————- |
| id | string | true | Task id |
| name | string | true | Task name |
| status | string | true | Task status(**”pending”** | “running” | “finished” | “failed” | **”canceled”**) |
| type | string | true | Task type |
| inputPath | string | true | Input path |
| outputPath | string | true | Output path |
| settings | object | true | Conversion settings |
| startTime | integer | false | Start timestamp |
| progress | number | false | Current progress (%) |
| spentTime | integer | false | Time spent (ms) |
| remainTime | integer | false | Estimated remaining time (ms) |
| endTime | integer | false | End timestamp |
Request successful:
1 | { |
Request failed:
1 | { |
Interface address:
1 | GET task/list |
An array containing all task information. For specific fields of the task information object, refer to the task information query interface.
Request successful:
1 | { |
Request failed:
1 | { |
Interface address:
1 | POST /task/create |
Body Type:
1 | application/json |
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| :——–: | :—–: | :——: | ——————————————————- | ——————– | ———————- | ———————— | ———————– |
| options | object | Yes | |
| type | string | Yes | “ImageTiling” ** | “TerrainTiling” ** | ** “TiltModelTiling” | ** “Tiles2OsgbTiling” ** | ** “PointCloudTiling” |
| name | string | Yes | Task name |
| inputPath | string | Yes | Input path |
| outputPath | string | Yes | Output path |
| autoStart | boolean | No | Whether to start the task immediately (default is true) |
| settings | object | No | Conversion Options |
The settings parameters for different conversion types are different. The following are introduced respectively:
Name | Type | Required | Description | Default |
tileSize | integer | No | Tile size | 256 |
minZoom | integer | No | Minimum level | 0 |
maxZoom | integer | Yes | Maximum level | - |
toSrs | integer | Yes | Projection parameters (3857 or 4326) | - |
service | string | Yes | Service type (TMS or WMTS) | - |
fromSrs | string | No | Spatial reference system | - |
background | string | No | Background transparency (“auto” or “255,255,255”) | “auto” |
colorStretching | object | No | Color stretching settings | - |
type | string | Yes | Type (“deviationAndZoom”, “theMostValuable”, or “percent”) | - |
deviation | number | No | Deviation (only for “deviationAndZoom” type) | - |
zoom | number | No | Zoom factor (only for “deviationAndZoom” type) | - |
min | number | No | Minimum value (only for **”theMostValuable” **type) | - |
max | number | No | Maximum value (only for **”theMostValuable” **type) | - |
minPercent | number | No | Lower threshold (%) (only for “percent” type) | - |
maxPercent | number | No | Upper threshold (%) (only for “percent” type) | - |
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| :——————–: | :—–: | :——: | —————————————————— | ———- | ———————— | ———— |
| srs | string | No | Spatial reference system |
| srsOrigin | string | No | Zero point coordinates (e.g., “0,0,0”) |
| isRebuildTop | boolean | No | Whether to rebuild the top level |
| maxConcurrency | integer | No | Maximum concurrency for top-level rebuild |
| is3DTiles1_1 | boolean | No | Whether to output in 3D Tiles 1.1 specification format |
| textureFormat | string | No | Texture format (“default” | “webp” | “uastc” | “etc1s”) |
| vertexCompress | boolean | No | Whether to compress vertices |
| vertexCompressionLevel | 0 | 5 | 10 | No | Vertex compression level |
| computedNormal | boolean | No | Whether to compute normals |
| backFaceCulling | boolean | No | Whether to perform back-face culling |
| mandatoryDoubleSide | boolean | No | Whether to enforce double-sided rendering |
| noLight | boolean | No | Whether to render without lighting |
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| :——: | :—–: | :——: | ———————- | ——- |
| srs | string | No | Spatial reference |
| srsOrgin | string | No | Zero point coordinates |
| upAxis | “Z” | “Y” | No | Up axis |
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| :——————–: | :—–: | :——: | —————————————————————————————————————- | — | ———————— |
| srs | string | No | Spatial Reference |
| srsOrigin | string | No | Origin Coordinates |
| vertexCompress | boolean | No | Vertex Compression |
| vertexCompressionLevel | 0 | 5 | 10 | No | Vertex Compression Level |
| colorIpt | number | Yes | Color Calculation:(color + colorIpt) * colorType / dividendColor
| colorType | number | Yes | (This row is intentionally left blank, as no specific description was provided) |
| dividendColor | number | Yes | (This row is also intentionally left blank for the same reason) |
| isSaveColor | boolean | No | Store Color |
| isSelectAttribute | boolean | No | Attribute Picking |
| isClassification | boolean | No | (This row is intentionally left blank, as no specific description was provided) |
| isIntensity | boolean | No | (This final row is also intentionally left blank, possibly indicating additional fields that were not specified) |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Name | Type |
id | string | true | none | none |
Request successful:
1 | { |
Request failed:
1 | { |
Interface address:
1 | POST /task/<id>/start |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | Yes | Task id |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | true | Task id |
Request successful:
1 | { |
Request failed:
1 | { |
Interface address:
1 | POST /task/<id>/stop |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | Yes | Task id |
Name | Type | Required | Restriction | Description |
id | string | true | none | none |
Request successful:
1 | { |
Request failed:
1 | { |
Interface address:
1 | POST /task/<id>/delete |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | Yes | Task id |
Name | Type | Required | Restriction | Description |
id | string | true | none | none |
Request successful:
1 | { |
Request failed:
1 | { |